Friday, July 31, 2009


Ahh I am so bored right now!

I have been messing with photo editing and using gimp lately, and I am really liking it... I just keep making layouts and etc for my Myspace.... hehe....

Sooo... Tomo is my 22nd B-Day... I now realize why older people say birthdays are just like another day.... I now see it... and it SUCKS! =( My birthday was always one of my fav days... but this year, I don't have anything too special planned and K has to work.... soooo that is that I guess... grrrr......

oh well
I will make the best of it
I guess! =)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am just super horrible at this blogging... lol My last post was Months ago!!!! eek!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Quick catch up!

I know it has been a little while since I last had an entry... I don't think many ppl read this but hey its my journaling.... Well where I left off last time my husband was gone in the field... While he was gone so many things went haywire!! It was my 1st time being all alone since we have been married... I know I married a Marine and its almost been 1 year and I am barely being left alone!??!! His friend was living with us for awhile and he would always be here when Kile was gone, so I always had a man around to fix the sink, or just in the house if I heard a noise or anything... but I survived!!!! =) and now that that week is done I just feel like such a strong wife and like anything that comes my way I can deal with it... no matter what!!

Kile got back from the field in time for Valentine's Day.. which was great by the way! =) I was so happy that we got to spend this valentine's together because last year he was gone for training and he will be deployed for our 1 year wedding anniversary.... so atleast we got V-Day!! hehe... and my hubbs has good taste... (like I didn't already know that!!) I got a beautiful diamond heart gold necklace and a HUGE bouquet of gorgeous flowers... Kile knows how much I don't like red roses so they are a variety of white and purple flowers.. very pretty!

But some not so great news... the back of my mouth started hurting saturday night and I knew right away it was my wisdom teeth.............. So I have been dealing with the pain until today, when I had my dentist appt... so I need to go to the pharmacy and get my rX and then make my appt with the oral surgeon to get those babies taken out!!

I am excited though for tomo bc it is jane wayne day! I have never been and I think it is going to be alot of fun and I will get to meet a bunch of other wives!

Til later, take care!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Being a grown-up!

I am an adult, married, living on my own... Did you know it can be hard, sad, aqnd really lonely, yet I have so much pride, love, and courage for my husband and this situation... People ask me how us girls could ever do this-the military life... Honestly, at times I feel like I have no idea because it can get so overwhelming.. Then I think of all the good, what Kile is doing, and the greatest- all the love that I have for him and the love that I get in return.. even with him not home there are so many little things that he has done that I can't look around without feeling him here with me! That is how us girls are able to do this..The goodness and love outweigh the challenges and frustrations... This life isn't for the faint of heart that is one thing I know for certain..

Kile left last week for training in the field.. I made the decision that I am going to stay at the apartment while he is gone to show myself that I can handle it... Well let me tell ya, the saying of once he leaves something will go wrong is more true than I could of ever imagined!!!! I got home after work on Thursday and the house smelled so bad, I guess the kitchen sink drain / pipes are having issues.... I can't even run water without the darn thing clogging!! Really of all times for that to happen, it's gotta be when he is gone... This grown up adult thing is going easier than I thought it would, yet at the same time it has been so hard! I am so thankful for the friends that I have that have been such a help... Trust me just the talking, or messages and even visiting as meant the more to me than you will ever know or realize...

When Kile is away, I miss him so much and I realize how much love you could possibly have for someone and that I love him so much more than that! I can't wait til he gets to come home this week.. Valentine's is this week and I am so excited to get to share it with him... This will be our 1st one.. It is going to be special since we won't get to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary together... That will be hard but we are going to make up for it this weekend and hey, maybe again before he leaves.. =)

I don't think people realize that when they ask the question, How do you girls do it? that we have such an enormous amount of pride and love for our men... I couldn't be prouder of my husband.. even though his job keeps us apart at times, sends him to dangerous parts of the globe, and makes you basically like a single parent for those that have kids... I love my marine and can't wait til he is back home so I can snuggle with him (and he can fix the kitchen sink!!!)

Next time you see a military wife, tell her thanks for everything she is going thru... Trust me it is the greatest feeling in the world to have someone give you some recognition and appreciate everything our husbands are doing!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

new computer!!

So I got my new computer tonight... I am very excited that I got it... yay! I got the one with a web cam and stuff all so I would be able to communicate better with the hubbs when he goes away in a couple of months... and now its looking like where he is going, well there isn't much civilization there so for now he isn't taking the computer! grr... there go my ideas of the web cam time so we can see each other... But I guess I am going to just have to cross that bridge when we come to it... for now I am just going to be enjoying the time that we have together, bc there are alot of trainings in between now and when he deploys, so the time I get I am going to cherish... and well duh, I had to test out the web cam bc I wanted to see what it was about ya know?? =]

Well, any ways I had a really long day at work today and let me tell ya there isn't enough of me to go around... I told my boss and the other attorney we need to prioritize this stuff bc I am not able to get EVERY request done! sheesh! So add that to a different issue that Kile and I were stressing out about and well we were both getting frustrated.. .I couldn't wait for my train home so I could get off and see him waiting for me and give him a big kiss and tell him it will all work its self out..

Monday, February 2, 2009

My 1st Blog!

So this is the 1st time I have blogged... I just thought it would be something to try out and a good place to just vent my thoughts and feelings... I can't believe how tired I am today.. I know its Monday and all but geeez.... give me a break it feels like I didn't have a chance to rest! lol.. Kile, My Husband, is leaving this Wednesday to go in the field for the week... grr... So I guess this is the start of this deployment... Thats another reason I am starting this blog.. ok, well I guess that wasn't so bad after all... I will get back to work now, and catch up later!